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Year 2 - Maple Class

Welcome to Year 2 Maple Class


Autumn 1

Long, Long Ago, Far, Far Away

Welcome to Year Two!

 Miss Harvell is really excited to work with you this year!


This half term our learning journey is Long long ago, Far far away. In English, we will be focusing on making our sentences more exciting and using the correct punctuation. We will be exploring ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers, which we will use as a whole school read. We will be exploring character and setting descriptions using the story of ‘Prince Cinders’ by Babette Cole. We will start by sequencing the story and identifying the beginning, middle and end.  We will use the story to plan a new sequence for Prince Cinders. We will begin to use expanded noun phrases to make our writing exciting. We will be creating calligrams, using adjectives for our Harvest celebrations. We will also explore the text ‘How to be Doctor’ by Dr Punam Krishan. The book will help us in creating our own explanation texts.


In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge on place value and ensuring that we confident in ordering and comparing numbers. We will use place value charts to help us understand the tens and ones of a two digit number. We will also be exploring numbers written in both number and written form.


In Science, we will be learning about the environment and how humans are affecting it. We will consider the impact of deforestation as well as what we can do to help improve the environment, such as Recyling!


In Geography, our topic is Magical Mapping. We will be learning how to use atlases and globes and what information we can get from them. We will be using these to help us learn about the UK, Continents and seas in the world.


In ART, We will be focusing on the work of Stephen Wiltshire who creates cityscapes from memory. We will learn about his life and then look at the different techniques he uses, such as line, shape, space and form. We will then have a go at drawing our own cityscapes of London.


In PE, we will have two sessions a week. The first session will focus on fundamentals of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping. The second session will focus on ball skills where we will focus on our catching and throwing and implementing them into a game.


In Music we will be using the music of Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ to embed the inter-related dimensions of pulse, dynamics, tempo, rhythm and pitch through performance, improvisation and composition activities.


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