At Elmtree we follow the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-27
Religious Education - Statement of Intent
Elmtree is part of a diverse community, and this provides exciting opportunities for teaching and learning in RE. On entry, many of our pupils have a strong faith background which they are beginning to articulate, but they may not have as much knowledge of other religions or worldviews. Many other pupils come from a non-religious background. At Elmtree we aim to develop the cultural capital for all our children by expanding their knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other faiths, and other world views through an ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum. Pupils learn about these religions and worldviews, but they also learn from them. We aim for children to reflect on their own and others’ personal experiences, emotions and beliefs and to consider how they affect how people behave and live their lives. Children will explore similarities and differences between the religions and worldviews and gain the skills to give informed opinions with reasons, and to treat the views of others with respect. RE has a huge contribution to make to the wider curriculum and to the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It helps them to become more reflective, to develop their sense of who they are and to begin to find their place in the wider world.
At Key Stage 1 we explore the 8 areas of enquiry from the Agreed Syllabus:
1. What does it mean to be me? (Who I am).
2. How important are the groups people belong to? (Belonging).
3. What makes some people so important? (Important people
4. Why are some places so important? (Important places).
5. What makes some things sacred to some groups of people? (Special things).
6. What makes some stories so important to different people? (Sacred books).
7. Why is it important to look after our world? (The natural world).
8. Why do we celebrate important occasions? (Special occasions)
These are planned as units across Year 1 and Year 2 for continuity and progression. As recommended in the Agreed Syllabus, children study Christianity plus one other religion in depth, which is Judaism. Additionally, in recognition of the faith background of many of our pupils we also give opportunities in each unit to explore Islam. Other religions are also referenced, as well as non-religious backgrounds and world views. RE is taught using artefacts, stories, drama, art, and visits. Each unit begins with the children’s own experiences as a starting point, to give them the opportunity to express and reflect on their own world views.
By the end of their time at Elmtree, children will have learned about religions and learned from religions. Most children will be able to retell religious stories and explain what they think the stories teach people. They will recognise some religious artefacts or symbols and can say what religion these are from and say something about their meaning. They can recognise that religions share things in common and have real differences. They can talk about what is important to themselves and others and give a reason why. They can ask appropriate questions about the religions they explore and can give a good reason for their own and other people’s beliefs and opinions. They will have begun to reflect on their own sense of who they are and their uniqueness as a person in a family and community.