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Elmtree Infant and Nursery School


Curriculum Statement of Intent


At Elmtree Infant and Nursery School we have designed a broad, comprehensive curriculum to inspire enthusiasm for life-long learning, that is ambitious for all. We ensure that the learning is meaningful, rich and relevant for all of our children to give them the best chance of success whilst supporting their well-being and happiness. Our curriculum enables the children to become successful, independent and motivated learners, who value their individuality. We provide an environment where every child really matters and offer first-hand learning experiences which allow our children to develop interpersonal skills.


We offer a rich range of opportunities that provide meaningful and relevant learning to enable each child to be the best they can be regardless of ability. The planning and implementation of our curriculum supports a strong impact on pupils learning. We acknowledge all aspects of their development and inspire children to be curious, ambitious and inquisitive learners in order to equip them with the necessary skills to meet the challenges of their future lives with confidence and resilience. The impact of the curriculum pupils receive is strong, including for disadvantaged pupils and those with an SEND.


Through our Elmtree Values, the PSHE curriculum, character education and assemblies we encourage children to celebrate diversity whilst being inclusive and respectful. This enables them to understand how they can positively contribute to the society that they live in.


We work in harmony with parents, families and the local community.


Our desire is for our children to leave Elmtree Infant and Nursery School with a sense of pride and belonging which will allow them to continue to have high expectations and constantly pursue excellence.


If you would like to find out more about the curriculum your child is following please speak, in the first instance, to your child's class teacher.



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