Music - Statement of Intent
At Elmtree we aim:
To develop musical skills and concepts through listening, appraising, performing and composing
To foster in children an interest in the expression and creativity of music that enables them to enjoy all that music has to offer
To develop an understanding of rhythm and rhyme and how we can express and create using our voices and instruments
To develop social skills through co-operation with others in the shared experience of music making
To develop an understanding of musical traditions and developments in a variety of cultures
To be motivated to enjoy and succeed in music
To thread inclusion through every area of the music curriculum
We provide opportunities to listen, appraise, perform and compose in a variety of genres, styles and audiences
We place an emphasis on real life experience when listening to music and playing a range of instruments first-hand.
We make appropriate use ICT to create, play and record our own music.
We encourage children to work individually, in groups and as a whole class.
We often use cross-curricula links to teach Music.
We sometimes utilise the skills of outdoor agencies and peripatetic teachers
We have the opportunity to participate in small group music tuition
We perform to wider audiences of parents, friends and local community through assemblies, end of year productions and Christmas shows
Subject leaders, in collaboration with the Head, take responsibility for the purchase and organisation of resources for Music and are expected to keep up-to-date with developments in Music education and agree to disseminate information to colleagues as and when appropriate.
Work plans, including detailed lesson plans, are drawn up by the Music Lead. These are monitored by the head teacher and SLT
We use assessment to inform and develop our teaching.
Assessment is on-going and evidence for recording and reporting purposes is gained from teacher observation.
Children are involved in the process of self-improvement, recognising their achievements and acknowledging where they could improve.
Annual reports to parents are written once a year, where the child’s ability and enjoyment levels are shared.