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Pupil Premium



At Elmtree Infant and Nursery School, we have a strategy for developing the attainment of the disadvantaged learners within our school community. We aim for our pupils to maximise their academic and social, emotional and behavioural potential in order for them to have high aspirations and a lifelong love of learning. Our strategy is based upon providing support via quality teaching for all, targeted support and using other approaches for pupils with specific needs. We have used a range of evidence bases; including the DfE recommended Education Endowment Federation (EEF) Toolkit to inform us of strategies of support that will have the maximum amount of impact on the learning outcomes for our Pupil Premium Children. There is an ongoing review of the impact of strategies using a variety of monitoring activities such as: Pupil Progress Meetings, Book Scrutiny, Data Analysis, Learning Walks, Pupil Voice etc This data is used to inform our future Pupil Premium Strategy.

Free School Meal/Pupil Premium application form 2020-2021
