Welcome to Elmtree Friends and Family (EFF). We are parents, carers, grandparents and friends of children attending Elmtree school/nursery. Upon your child starting at Elmtree you automatically become part of EFF. Volunteering or becoming a Class or Nursery Representative, or taking on a Committee role is a great way to meet new friends and learn more about your child’s school.
We usually meet a couple of times a term - some mornings, some evenings - to plan and organise fundraising and social events for the school and you are very welcome to come along. Some of the ways in which we fund raise include our Autumn and Spring Fayres, raffles, our ever-popular discos, quiz nights, star gazing, Christmas cards and regular coffee mornings.
We are always interested in hearing of any ideas you may have for future fundraising initiatives or in-school experiences. Any ideas are always very welcome.
We look forward to welcoming you to Elmtree Friends and Family