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Elmtree ARP


In addition to our mainstream provision, we also provide education through our Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP). This is for children with an EHCP who have a diagnosed Developmental Language Disorder and require support in Speech, Language and Communication (SLCN). In our ARP we provide specialist teaching along with direct therapy from a qualified Speech and Language Therapist.  


There are places for 8 children in the ARP. The provision has its own classroom which is well resourced with specialist materials and equipment.


The provision takes children, on the recommendation of the Local Authority, from rising 5 to 7 years. If a child in Reception has a place in our ARP they will be integrated into their mainstream classroom all day and the ARP provision will be provided within the classroom setting as outreach support. Children in KS1 who are supported in our ARP will register with their class at the beginning of each session and integrate into it as much as possible. However, each morning they will be taught in the ARP classroom by the specialist ARP teacher through in-reach support.


Aims of the ARP
The ARP provides a specialist education for children with specific speech and language difficulties. It creates an environment, within a mainstream school, that encourages the development of language and communication skills.

The ARP staff assess the needs of individual children, as defined by their EHCP, and develop appropriate educational programmes to include speech and language therapy, specialist language teaching, and work in the mainstream class with the specialist teacher or special support assistant.
The ARP aims to develop each child's full potential to use their communication skills as effectively as possible, and to become increasingly integrated into the mainstream environment.

Admissions to Elmtree Infant & Nursery School’s Additionally Resourced Provision


Elmtree has an ‘Additionally Resourced Provision’ (ARP) for SLCN students that supports the needs of 8 students. In order not to affect the efficiency of education within the ARP, there are eight places available in from Reception to Year 2 and parents need to approach their Local Authority SEN team to express a preference for this provision. The local authority will assess the child’s suitability for a place against their admissions guidance for Special Provisions documents and then provide documentation to the academy for consideration.

The admissions criteria are published on our website. To be accepted into Elmtree’s ARP in Reception – Year 2, students should be able to display the ability to:

a. Area of need: Speech and Language

b. In ARPs for specifically for Speech and Language needs, Children and Young People (CYP) will present with a combination of the following needs:

i. An Education, Health and Care Plan relating to a specific speech and / or language disorder

ii. CYP must have a DLD as a diagnoses of their primary need. Will have significant difficulties over time in accessing the curriculum despite having followed intensive support programmes, designed in partnership with support services and parents/carers.


In addition whether applying for a place in the ARP for SLCN students should display the ability to:

a) Access and make academic progress within a mainstream classroom setting (with support);

b) Communicate as a minimum, their basic needs, verbally and in a timely manner.

c) Respond to adult intervention and requests;

d) Interact with other students with or without support and encouragement;

e) Be able to deal with some unplanned changes to schedules within the school day, with support;

f) Cope with the sensory stimuli within a mainstream environment, including where reasonable adjustments can be made to support students to manage this;

g) Respond to strategies employed to help students cope with their difficulties;

h) Be aware of their own safety and the safety of others in a large building, with hazards such as a stairs, communal areas, or the road outside the school;

i) Follow the school behaviour expectations & policy (with support)

ARP Manager: Mrs S. Dowling, SENCo, Deputy Headteacher 
ARP Teacher:  Mrs J. Tweddle

Speech and Language Therapist: Katrina Kerrigan

For further information please contact either:
Mrs S. Dowling, SENCo, Deputy Headteacher or 
Mrs T. Whitehill Headteacher
Tel: 01494 771474

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