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Year 2 - Cherry Class

Welcome to Year 2 Cherry Class


Summer 2

Great Ideas! Great Adventures!


Welcome to Year 2!

Miss Gettings is really excited to work with you this year!


This half term our learning journey is Great Ideas! Great Adventures! In English we will be exploring Paddington by Micheal Bond. We will be using the text to continue working on our use of expanded noun phrases as well as writing more in depth and creating our own stories linked to those that we have read as a class. We will also be reading the text, Marie Curie: 6 (Little People, Big Dreams). We will continue to consolidate our knowledge on different grammar concepts such as verbs, tenses, suffixes and plurals, ensuring we use these in our writing in engage the reader.


In Maths we will continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We will ensure that we are using our knowledge and picking out key information from word problems. We will also be recapping our learning over the year, recapping money, mass and capacity and temperature.


In Science, our topic is all about Scientists and inventors. We will be learning about how scientists and inventors carry our fair tests and experiments, ready to undergo one of our own! We will be exploring the inventor Charles Macintosh, who invented the waterproof raincoat! We will then consolidate our knowledge on plants, animals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


In History, we will be exploring the lives of significant individuals. This includes scientists Marie Curie and Professor Sarah Gilbert and the explorers Christopher Columbus and David Attenborough. We will find out about these significant people and will consider the impact they have on our lives today as well as comparing the resources they had available to them.


In DT, we will be focusing materials and joining methods. We will recap joining methods to prepare us to create our own hand puppets animals! We will use what we have learnt to consider how best to create our hand puppets and create a plan. We will make the hand puppets using felt, thread and needles.


In RE, our topic is All about me! Belonging! In this topic we will be exploring what it means to belong to something, and we will consider the different groups that we belong to. This will help us with our understanding of how different religions show their belonging and commitment.








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