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Year 1 - Oak Class

Welcome to Year 1 Oak Class


Autumn 1


Welcome to Year 1!

Mrs Akhtar is so delighted to be working with you this year.


Our topic this half term is 3,2,1 Blast off! Through this topic we will be exploring space travel and some famous historic astronauts. We will also be taking the opportunity to design our own space buggies.


The space theme continues in English where we will be using a number of space stories to excite and inspire the children to continue to build their writing skills. There will be opportunities to write fiction, nonfiction and poetry. We will be focusing on increasing the children’s stamina for writing and consolidating letter formation and sentence structure.


In Maths we will be focusing on place value, counting forwards and backwards from a given number and the concepts of 1 more and 1 less. There will continue to be an emphasis on the use of equipment to demonstrate the children’s learning practically.


Our science topic is materials and the children will be investigating different materials and their properties building their scientific vocabulary and thinking about why different materials are chosen for different purposes because of their properties.
