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Year 1 - Oak Class

Welcome to Year 1 Oak Class


Summer 1



Welcome back to Year 1 for the Summer Term!


We are so excited to be entering our final term of Year 1. This half term our topic is ‘Kings and Queens’ in which we will be finding out all about the British monarchy, castles and knights. This wonderful topic will conclude with a trip to Windsor Castle.

In English we will be studying the ‘Queen’s Knickers’ by Nicholas Allan and ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. We will using our growing writing skills to create our own fantasy story and write an extract as a character form the story.

In Science we will be learning all about the Seasons and how the weather changes over th ecourse of the year. We will also be looking at changes to plants in our environment across the seasons.

Our Maths focus will be fractions, length and height, we will also be introducing the children to the concepts of multiplication and division as counting in 2’s 5’s and 10’s, grouping and sharing.

Moving to Oak Class in September 2023
