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Year 1 - Oak Class

Welcome to Year 1 Oak Class


Spring 1

Blast From The Past!


Welcome to Year 1!

Mrs Akhtar is so delighted to be working with you this year.


This half term our topic is ‘Blast from the past!’


In Maths, we will continue to consolidate place value and addition and subtraction within 20. The children will be using lots of manipulatives to help with their learning, solving problems in different ways to find the same answer.


In English, we will be continuing to develop our understanding of fiction writing through our core text ‘Cave Baby’ by Julia Donaldson. We will explore non-fiction writing and create our own information booklet linking to our Science topic.


In History the children will be exploring how life has changed over the past 60 years. They will have a chance to learn about the changes in transport, communication, toys and entertainment over the years. Please talk to the children about anything you may know or have experienced in any of these areas!


In Science, we will be learning about Humans and exploring our senses through a range of investigations.


Our Art topic this term is painting, we will be exploring colour mixing by using different paint brushes and colours. The children will mix different colours and create their own artwork.
