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Welcome to Elmtree Nursery

Summer Term 1

On The Farm


This half term our learning journey will be ‘On The Farm’   We will be reading stories such as Farmer Duck and The Dancing Hen.  The children will be exploring what happens on a farm and learning about different farm animals and their babies.


We will also be learning subitising 1-5 in maths; recognising number of objects in a small group without the need to count them.  In phonics we will continue to learn our initial sounds, alliteration and rhyming.


We will mark make using different mediums and learn to hold a pencil correctly and some of us will learn some pre-writing shapes.  We will try to write our names or part of our names if we are going into Reception in September.





New to Nursery Parent Information and Meet the Team

Transition booklet

Helicopter Stories and The Poetry Basket

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